Saturday, April 18, 2009

Next week is Garden Week

Well, for us anyway! Aunt Gwen is on Spring Recess, so we'll be really getting things done. For some reason we always get so lazy on the weekends- I wake up and at that point she's already been downstairs for breakfast and is usually upstairs again either napping or puttering around. Then we both don't feel like doing diddly squat. Weekdays are better for some reason.

Anyhow, tomorrow or possibly next week sometime we'll be going out to get the lumber. She wants the sides of the beds to be higher than I had originally anticipated; I was thinking anywhere from 8-12 inches high would be good, but it looks like she'd like 18" better. Apparently grass blows in from mowing the lawn if they're any shorter.

We'll see what they have at the store, though. I figure if they won't cut the wood into 4' lengths, we can buy it longer (depending on what'll fit in the car, I suppose) and I can cut it myself. I think my aunt has a saw- I guess I'll double check.

Then we just need to fill the boxes with garden soil (still not sure on this point) and mark out the 1 foot squares, and then start organizing what's going into the ground when!

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