Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rocky Top Lettuce Mix

Purchased from:  Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds  $3/1000 seeds
Type: Lettuce!

Last year's Burpee lettuce blend that I purchased from Wal*Mart was sadly a bust, which is part of the reason I'm not purchasing any seeds from physical stores this year.  Nope, not even from garden centers.  I will purchase plants from the local nurseries (Probably Bundi's, as I was quite happy with the plants I got from there last year), but all my seeds are mail-order only.  Why?  Because physical store locations, especially ones like Wal*Mart, really have no concept of keeping temperature correct for seeds, and as a result my germination rates are crap.

That little rant aside, Baker Creek claims "With more brightly colored and unique lettuces, it makes a flavorful and brilliant salad." and that the mix "Includes some non-listed rare varieties."  For a few bucks, this is a great buy for me.  Where I'm paying a premium for some of the other seeds this year, this is just a fabulous deal.  The added excitement of seeing what pops up from this little packet is just an added bonus.

Additionally, I'm also kind of hoping that I might be able to get my fiance's uncle to help me set up a cold frame or two so that I might extend the season a bit, and have fresh greens for longer.  Supposedly there is a guy nearby that grows greens from February through November.  Yum!

curious about my impressions of Baker Creek?  click here for my original post!

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