Thursday, April 11, 2013

Jackpot Hybrid Zucchini

Purchased from: Fisher's Garden Store for $2.95
Type: Summer Squash
Growth: Bush

All jokes about locking your doors during zucchini season aside, I love this stuff.  I still have some shredded and frozen from last season, and I didn't even grow my own!  As such, I'm only going to be growing a single bush, but that's going to take up a good chunk of one of my beds, so one is more than enough.

Zucchini (and summer squash in general) is one of those things that I do enjoy eating, but I grow mostly because it is satisfying.  There's not really a way to screw up here- except maybe planting too late, like I did last year.  But in general, summer squash will take off on its own and before you know it, you're having to dive in every day to harvest the fruits before they get too big to eat, and even then you're going to miss one and the next thing you know you have a giant 3-foot zucchini and after you pick that sucker you do like 5 loaves of zucchini bread because despite the name, the main ingredient isn't zucchini, so you always have leftover.

Not that I'm speaking from experience, or anything.  *shifty eyes*

click here to learn about my experience with Fisher's Garden Store and to learn how to get a catalog of your own. 

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