Monday, April 13, 2009

Late Start

I got a bit of a late start on things for the garden; I planted the pepper seeds today (finally). I won't be starting my own tomatoes this year. Although perhaps my peppers aren't getting started *too* late, according to this, our last frost will be around May 18, so I'm not getting as late a start as I originally thought. That's good.

That being said, I'm really gearing up right now for "hardcore planning" so I can get this garden going. I'm doing a Square Foot Garden this year, which I think will make it much easier on me. Because I'm having some issues getting to a hardware store, I'm thinking I may buy a couple ground box kits from that site as well- shipping isn't as bad as I expected, about $26 for 2 full kits, which run $42 each in pine- not horrible. All told it'll be around $75, which is a bit more than I wanted to spend just on the garden setup but then again, the convenience.. well, it's hard to get out, is all.

The next thing I'll need is soil; To be perfectly blunt, I've no clue what to do about that. I suppose I'll need to try to shop around. We're going to do two 4'x4' boxes, so I imagine I'll need enough to fill that- not sure how much, though. I suppose I'll have to figure that out as I go, then!

Went outside today to scope out places for the garden.. I'm going to be setting it just behind the house, where we get the most sun. There are some bushes I need to prune back there as well and then I think we'll be set for everything. It's just such a beautiful day today.

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