Sunday, May 31, 2009


No pictures because I'm terribly lazy, but I had the first "harvest" this morning. The radishes are still a little small but that's fine by me- I picked them anyway (carrots are getting bigger as it is). Still don't have bed 2 completely finished, but it's getting there- one of my bags of soil was full of MOLD! It was terrible- it was much lighter than the rest of the bags so I just figured it had gotten dried out (fine by me) but when I opened it there was mold inside. Ugh!

Anyhow, I harvested about 7 radishes- a couple had not sprouted well so they didn't end up growing. C'est la vie! I really enjoy growing radishes but I'm not sure if I'll enjoy eating them- we shall see when I try these.

The greens are really starting to take off now, and my peas are trying to grip onto anything around them (note to self: Next year, don't plant in a square adjacent to onions!), so it's rather exciting :D

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